Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sewing Time!!

DD2 needs clothes so we went to Fabricland & picked up some patterns & material. Fabricland had a wonderful sale. We love sales.

I haven't sewn clothing that needs to fit correctly for many years. I decided it was a good idea to sew easy clothing before progressing onto skirts & jackets. Both girls needed pj pants, these are definitely easy to make.

Here is what I have made the last two days.

Here is the material I still have to sew.

DD2 & I have also been poring over these sewing books, I picked them up last year at a garage sale. They were $1 each. Definitely well worth it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sushi Lessons

DD2 went to a sushi lesson on Friday, January 21, 2011 from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm. These are what she made and bought home. They were definitely yummy!!

She is now our "Sushi Maker"

Saturday, January 08, 2011


I am done, done, done with my Christmas sewing!! DD#1 loves the book "Mabel Murple" & DD#2 loves the colour purple. Actually it is her favourite colour. DD#2 had a purple leather skirt that she wore & wore until she could not wear it anymore. Obviously she would not let me do anything with it, so it was left in the fabric drawer.

DD#1 decided that DD#2 needed a purple bear named 'Snickernickerbox' for Christmas just like the bear in the book Mabel Murple. DD#1 did not have time to sew the bear so guess who was voluntold to do the sewing.

Here is the finished project

She had a purple teddy bear named Snickernickerbox. (And he SNORED!!)

Extremely happy DD2

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2011!